FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWe have some commonly asked questions at South Bend Junk Cars and thought it would be appropriate to take a moment to highlight and give answers to these inquiries. Remember, there are no stupid questions! We pride ourselves on good service and are more than happy to answer any questions that you may have. If these commonly asked questions do not suffice, give us a call! We will make sure to answer any question that you have. In the meantime, check out our FAQ:
Can you junk a car if you still owe money on it? Yes, you can junk a car as long as you have the title. However, you will still be responsible for any loan payments that are associated with the car. Sometimes the payment from junking the car will be enough to cover the loan, and other times it won’t be. This really just depends on your situation and the remaining loan on the car. If you take your car down to South Bend Junk Cars, we will be able to give you a proper evaluation to determine if junking the car is the right option for you. Do you need the title of a car to junk it? The answer is: it depends. The laws of junking a car without a title vary from state to state and also the model year and value of the vehicle. Generally, if the vehicle is older than 10 years and worth under $1000, then junking will be a viable option. This is another situation where we have to evaluate cars on a case-by-case basis. We will be happy to work with you, even if you don’t have the title. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to junk the car. What do you do with the title when you junk a car? Bring the title to the junking location, if possible. Generally speaking, the title will be transferred over to the facility, which will notify the state that the car has transferred ownership. From this point the title is in the hands of the junking shop and you do not need to worry about it anymore. This situation gets slightly more complicated if you are not able to find the title. Though, it is still possible to get your car junked. It is just important that some document of ownership exists. Can I junk a car with a lien on it? Perhaps. Whether or not you can junk a car with a lien on it depends on how old the lien is and if the party authorizing the lien has been made aware of the sale. In some cases, you may be able to junk a car with a lien without notification, but this will vary state to state by regulations. Generally, the party authorizing the lien will have to approve of the sale to the junking shop. This is generally an easy process for most cars. If the lien will be covered by the junking of the car, then it will be easy to get approval from the party who authorized the lien. |